Quality and Compliance

Quality excellence is the foundation for management of our business and provides the principal strategy for the achievement of our goals as a world class manufacturer of power supplies through customer satisfaction.

Therefore, each of us at TDK-Lambda Americas will:

  • Provide products and services that consistently meet or exceed the quality expectations of our customers and comply with all applicable regulatory legislations and regulations. This includes both internal and external customers.
  • Dedicate ourselves to continuous quality improvements of our products and services and maintain the effectiveness of the quality management system through design enhancements and process improvements to eliminate non value adding activities.
  • Pride ourselves on the quality of our workmanship by striving to perform all actions right the first time.
  • Deliver a safe product to our customers, and provide a clean and safe environment for our associates.


TDK-Lambda Americas proudly holds the certifications shown below.

TDK-Lambda Americas (Neptune, New Jersey) is an ISO 9001:2015 certified organization.

TDK-Lambda Americas (National City, California / Plano, Texas / Hauppauge, New York) is an ISO 9001:2015 certified organization.

Medical Device Industry Certification to ISO 13485:2016

TDK-Lambda Americas is facility-certified to ANSI/ESD S20.20-2014 and IEC 61340-5-1.

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